
Thursday, April 30, 2020

My Teddy

Me and my Teddy

Me and my teddy have been on heaps of adventures. 
Oh I forgot to tell you, my teddy is not
like other teddys, he is very special.
He has been with me since I was very little.
He is brown and light brown with brown eyes.
He is a dog and if you were wondering what
day his birthday is on, it is on November the 5th.
He is a boy and his name is Dogy.
He is the best dog ever!!!!!!! When my
sisters make me sad, Dogy is who cheers me up.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

lego scene

I made an anzac lego scene

I am thay are

I am, they are.

My Dad is a panda.
Cuddly, nice, friendly, silly, and funny.
Dad is great.
My Mum is a rhino. 
Strong, pretty, and kind.
She is the Boss.
With love, hugs, and kisses.
My sister Keeley is a horse.
Mean, but she loves her boyfriend.
Addicted to her phone.
She is the annoying one.

My Nana is a sloth.
Slow, nice, and pretty.
She loves her cats. She is the hugging one.
My Papa is an elephant.
Old, works hard, nice, smart, and handsome.
He loves surfing.
My sister Kalais is a fox.
Sneaky, nice, and cheeky.
Taking other people's stuff, she is a borrower.
My sister Kyvana is a husky.
Kind, smart, strong, helpful, and nice.
She is the kind one.


I am a monkey.
Cheeky, funny, kind, helpful, and fussy.
I am the cheeky one.

If I was the principal!!!

If I was the principal!!!
If I was the principal I would get 3 pools 1 fool of all bets 2 candy floss 3 hot pool.

I would let them play prodigy whenever they want.

I would let them do want ever they want.